Bad Boys Riding For Fun and Dying Very Little

            What are you going to do when they come for you?  That’s a question that can be answered in many ways in this day and age.  Despite the odds, the dynamic duo of Lawrence and Smith were greenlit for a sequel that many might not have been excited about after the last film.  And this weekend, I walked back into my local theater to see if this installment could recapture the magic of the buddy cop tale.  Will it work?  Robbie K sharing his thoughts as he checks out:  

Movie: Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)

  • Directors
  • Writers


Moves At a Great Pace


Acting On Point

Decent Character Development

Movie Theater Elements

Kicking Sound Track

Action Scenes Return to Glory (mostly)


            Our Bad Boys have always been entertaining as the detectives dive into the heart of the Miami underworld.  This film is stupid fun, with an exhilarating and fast pace like the cars they drive, holding little time to get into deep artistic dives.  It pulls from previous stories, integrates fun references that many will remember, and helps push our characters down familiar avenues.  The fourth installment offers some character development, nothing too deep or poetic, but enough to extend our characters to something more than bullet-launching bad boys.  It fits into the themes well, helps pick up from the better qualities of Bad Boys Three, and keeps their fingers on the pulse of just a fun and engaging period.  And much like the other films, they are just fun, with the same comedic splendor of the earlier films with the insults, slapstick humor, and the response to the stupid antics occurring.  It’s rated r for sure, but that attitude blends so well and makes this movie another nostalgic trip worth taking.  One thing that has improved is the technology to bring the exciting elements to life, loading this film with plenty of theater-worthy qualities to shake up the theater.  The action is fast, frantic, and has lots of the familiar elements, with little deviation from the edgy goodness that comes with it. In my showing, my seat quaked from the sound assaults, with visuals that were crazy busy, but so exciting and filled with that attitude you expect in this film franchise.  Load in the kicking soundtrack this franchise has, including a few comedic songs to lighten the mood, and you get so much of the original formula to just have a fun time at the movies.  


Some Story Elements Feeling Unfinished

Very Fast Wrap Up

The potential Setup up

Aggressive Language At Times

A Better Developed Villain

Not That Original


            No movie is perfect though and this film still struggles with some elements that continued additions can struggle with.  Despite a decent story, several elements felt unnecessary, unfinished, or perhaps very stupid and overdone that I had wished been left out and the time focused on another story.  A few of these moments involved the captain’s family which feels very bland and could have gone more, while others are set-ups for what feels like not only a fifth movie but the next duo to join forces in the cartel wars.  These elements are okay and not the worst by far, but they didn’t do any favors to strengthen the story.  A better-developed villain could have gone a long way, one with more tricks and threats that weren’t so familiar or done before.  Several of his associates were also holding potential, but alas, fell to mediocre levels that pale to some of the other auxiliary characters from the past. More action would have been nice for me, especially at the end where things seemed to wrap up faster than anticipated, and could have done more.  A small thing for me, but big for others, the movie’s foul language gets a tad out of hand, but there are far worse games in this field, just be warned.  


            Perhaps not the most original movie sequel, Bad Boys’ fourth installment is familiar, fun, and feels fresh that they took a step back into their wheelhouse.  With a great buddy system in motion, Smith and Lawrence bring the magic of the decades back and keep things fun and engaging while always edgy.  The story elements serve their purpose of developing their characters, while the action gets major upgrades worthy of a theater visit to take full advantage.  I loved the comedy, the pacing, and just getting lost in another fun summer flick.  Sure, the movie needs some more originality, trimming off some storylines reserved for whatever is to come, and could have put some more time into making a better villain.  Yet, most aren’t going to care and just enjoy the fun experience for what it’s worth.  Therefore, I give this movie: 

Action/Adventure/Comedy:  8-8.5

Movie Overall: 7.5-8.0